Fiber Supplements
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Fiber Supplements
Support digestive health and improve your well-being with a fiber supplement from the CVS online store. Our range includes Metamucil and other top products to help keep you comfortable and regular.
What Is Fiber?
Fiber is an important part of your overall health, especially your digestive tract. It is a type of carbohydrate that can pass through your body undigested, helping to regulate your body's use of sugars, keeping hunger and blood sugar in check. It is also important for keeping your digestive tract moving along at a normal pace.Many fiber supplements contain a key ingredient added is polydextrose, a chain of sugars that aid in digestion and metabolizing measures to help a person stay fuller or use the bathroom as needed. Try products containing polydextrose today!
How Much Fiber Per Day?
It's important to make sure that you're getting enough fiber in your daily diet. You can increase the amount of fiber you get by taking a fiber supplement. Ideally, adult women under the age of 50 should have 21 to 25 grams of fiber per day. For men under 50, the mount is slightly higher at 30 to 38 grams per day according to the American Heart Association. For kids between the ages of 1 and 18, between 14 and 31 grams of fiber per day is ideal. You can increase the amount you get by taking a fiber supplement, but make sure you read the label carefully and take the right amount that works for your gender and age group.
What Is Soluble Fiber?
There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water and turns into a gel-like consistency. Insoluble fiber does not turn into the same mushy texture. If you want to get more soluble fiber, eat foods like nuts, beans, apples, oatmeal, and blueberries, which are rich in soluble fiber. A benefit to soluble fiber is that it may help you to lose weight. Since this type of fiber expands, it can help to keep you full without getting hungry as often. This form of fiber is also helpful to promote healthy bowel movements by soaking up water as it passes through your intestines, preventing constipation.
What Is Insoluble Fiber?
Insoluble fiber helps material move through your digestive system to increase the bulk of your stool. This type of fiber is good for people who deal with irregular bowel movements or who need constipation relief from frequent constipation. Food like nuts, green beans, potatoes, wheat bran, and cauliflower are all good sources of insoluble fiber. Whole wheat flour is another good source of this type of fiber that can easily be added to your diet.
What Is Dietary Fiber?
The term dietary fiber refers to the fiber that comes from natural foods. If you want to get more dietary fiber, there are many sources including leafy greens. Dietary fiber comes from the parts of plants that your body cannot naturally absorb or digest. The fiber passes through your stomach, intestines, and colon without being absorbed. That's why taking a fiber supplement or eating other foods rich in soluble and insoluble fiber is so important.
What Are the Different Types of Fiber Supplements?
Now that you know the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber and how much you should be getting, it can be helpful to know what kinds of fiber supplements are available to you from CVS to ensure you are getting enough on a daily basis. Some fiber supplements are water-soluble, such as Metamucil, and are mixed with a liquid of your choice to be deliciously drunk down in a myriad of flavors. If mixing up a quick fiber drink with fiber powder is not possible on the go, fiber pills and caplets can be kept with you to take at work, after a workout, or when you're traveling and don't have access to fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Non-traditional forms of fiber supplements, such as fiber thin cookies, fiber bars or fiber gummies, are an added welcome alternative to drinks and pills and are available at CVS both in-store and online. You can also find fiber in many probiotics as CVS also carries a wide variety of probiotics with fiber.
How Do Fiber Supplements Work?
Fiber comes in soluble and insoluble forms, and both work well for certain digestive needs. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and helps feed the good bacteria in your digestive tract. These bacteria produce vitamins for your body, help reduce inflammation and may keep your immune system healthy. Soluble fiber supplements and probiotics may work together to support your microbiome and improve stomach comfort.
Insoluble fiber supplements benefit digestive health by adding bulk to slow nutrient absorption and make bowel movements easier. They may also help reduce blood sugar spikes after meals and help you feel fuller for longer.
How To Take Fiber Supplements
Fiber capsules and tablets, such as Fibercon Fiber Therapy, should be taken with a full glass of water. Powdered products, such as CVS Health Easy Fiber, usually have a very mild flavor and mix well into various foods and drinks, offering a more convenient option if you have trouble swallowing pills. Follow package instructions or your doctor's recommendations for maximum benefits.
When To Take Fiber Supplements
Fiber is best taken daily in most cases, and you can spread doses throughout the day. Products for weight management may work better when taken with meals, and you may consider taking prebiotic fiber and probiotics together to help your good bacteria thrive. If in doubt, check individual package details or ask your physician for advice, and be sure to consume adequate water every day to help the fiber supplement work properly.
What Is a Good Fiber Supplement?
Fiber has more benefits if you choose products that suit your individual needs. If you want to relieve bloating, psyllium husk and other less fermentable forms of fiber are a good choice because they're less likely to produce gas. Intestinal bacteria benefit more from inulin and other prebiotic forms of fiber, and constipation is usually alleviated more by insoluble fiber.
What Is the Best Fiber Supplement?
Top brands provide a good starting point if you're unsure what fiber supplement to choose. Metamucil offers various products in powder and tablet form, including flavored fiber drink powders that make it easier to take your daily supplement. Benefiber provides similar choices in addition to a chewable form of fiber for convenient consumption while out and about.
Does CVS Sell Fiber Pills?
Yes, CVS sells a variety of Fiber Pills in stores and online.
Is There An Age Limit To Purchase Fiber Pills?
No there is no age limit to purchase Fiber Pills.
Does CVS Deliver Fiber Pills?
Yes CVS delivers Fiber Pills to your home. Delivery is always free over $35, join carepass to enjoy free shipping on a variety of items.