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Customer reviews for Systane Balance Lubricant Eye Drops

Systane Balance Lubricant Eye Drops
Prices may vary from online to in store
Size:0.33 Ounces

How to get it

  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 9 years ago

    Great for dry eyes

    I only have dry eye during the winter while walking outside and my eyes would be a continuous water works which is annoying. I now use this product before I walk and never once do my eyes water, run and ruin eye make-up, if wearing.
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 9 years ago

    great product

    i use allergy eye drops, which make your eyes a bit dry. the Systane balance seems to work the best for me. and using the ship and save is great, save a good amount of money, which is definitely a plus, now a day.
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 9 years ago

    Really helps with dry eyes.

    For me, I apply once in morning and once before sleep and my eyes are good all day.
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 10 years ago

    Excellent Results!!

    My doctor recommended Systane products to help with my very dry eyes. He specifically advised me to use the Systane Balance. I purchased these drops not expecting much, as I have never had good success with any over-the-counter eye drop. Wow, what a wonderful surprise! Drops are cool and very soothing to my eyes, and the best part is that my eyes remain clear and lubricated with no side effects, rather than burning, cloudy and scratchy as with other drops. I carry these drops with me 24/7, plus I have several bottles at home and one in my car. I strongly recommend this product.
    0 users found this review helpful.
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Details for Systane Balance Lubricant Eye Drops

ConcernEye health
Product typeEye drops
QuantityUnder 1 oz
SymptomDry eyes