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Customer reviews for Rachael Ray Nutrish Natural Food For Cats Tuna Purrfection

Rachael Ray Nutrish Natural Food For Cats Tuna Purrfection
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  • SchrodiesMom
    Reviewed 4 years ago

    Schrodinger's Cat comes alive with Nutrish tuna

    My finicky cat, Schrodie (Schrodinger's Cat), never seemed to like wet food, but I decided to put a couple of single servings of Nutrish Tuna Purrfection in his Christmas stocking. I gave him the first one on Christmas morning, and he ate every bit! I bought a few more but also threw in one can of another brand that seemed similar. When I gave it to him the other brand, he took a few sniffs and then turned his back on me and walked away. (He's a very good communicator!) Needless to say, Schrodie and I are now loyal fans of Nutrish. In fact, he sits next to my computer screen in the morning and stares at me until I give it to him! Thanks for a great cat food.
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  • Dtzyred
    Reviewed 4 years ago
    My cat will not eat the dark tuna in this food. She eats the rest of I mash the chunks of tjna, but she still eats around and under the dark tuna. She will not eat threads of chunks. What do I try now. We have tried chicken but I have to grind it up
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  • Selinat85
    Reviewed 4 years ago

    Help new cat owner

    My cat will only eat these.... Whats the amount of suggested serving per day for one cat... Or do i need to incorporate dry foods too
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  • Meg71186
    Reviewed 4 years ago

    High quality cat food

    My cat loves this food! I’m a big fan as well, as I can see the quality. It’s real flaked tuna, unlike other brands that are mostly just fillers. The only thing I dislike is that the food is packaged in single-use plastic containers, instead of, say, tin cans, which are more easily recyclable. All in all, this is a very good option for my picky cat at a price that rivals other brands
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  • Jake from Boston
    Reviewed 4 years ago

    A wonderful surprise!

    I have 2 cats (from the same litter) that are 16 years old. They both have some underlying health issues and lately have gotten pickier and pickier about their food. This week we thought our old boy, Beau, who is blind, was ready to start his journey toward that rainbow bridge because he really slowed up eating and drinking and just looked overall lethargic and unsteady. After him having a bad day and preparing him for a trip to the vet to see where we were at, we took a chance at a different food just to get something in him and I grabbed a RR Tuna Purrfection at a local drug store. It was the only thing on the limited pet food shelf. I brought it home and it was the first food in weeks he stuffed his little face into and finished!! I immediately went out and got more as well as other varieties and he has done a 180 this week! Back to eating and drinking and looking for love instead of sitting alone and lethargic. The poor guy must have been starving :( . Going on a week now and eating almost every flavor I put in front of him. I don't know how I ever missed trying this before but I'm so glad I did! After always being a picky eater, his world just got a little bigger and a lot better. His sister, Isabelle, has jumped on board as well eating like I've never seen. Thank you!
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  • Sidekick
    Reviewed 4 years ago

    Cat loves it

    We bought this food several months ago to try it out. Our girl is 16 y.o. and is a very finaky water. When we introduced her to this she loved it. Thank you
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  • Catmommaoftwo
    Reviewed 5 years ago

    No more cat puke!

    I was feeding my two cats a decently expensive cat food, but one of my cats seemed to develop an intolerance to it and started having more dander in her fur and she started throwing up almost daily...I researched and decided to try this and while it took a few tries to find a flavor they both liked, they’ve fully switched over now and LOVE it. Best part is my cat that was having issues now has healthy looking fur and isn’t puking anymore. I’m sold.
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  • SarahBeth
    Reviewed 5 years ago

    Great product!! Saved my 22.5 year old cat.

    My old girl(ItterBit) had been loosing a lot of weight. To the point where the vet was saying that I should really "think about how I want to handle the situation....". Which broke my heart. I resorted to buying every kind of food and snack that I could get my hands on. Spending more then I'd like to admit, but still finding nothing that would get her to get her to eat. She was looking so emaciated that I started thinking I was really going to have to put her down. She was just so weak from not eating, even though she was still fine in every other way. Finally I came across Rachel Ray Nutrish Grain Free Wet Food For Cat's and OH MY GOSH she ate the ENTIRE thing in one setting! I was literally crying! She had barely eaten anything in over a week and now she couldn't get enough! Your product has quite literally given me my baby girl back! And I could never find the words to express how truly grateful that I am for that. ItterBit has gained about 6 ounces now. Which may not sound like much but it's a start! Thank you. From the deepest part in my heart.
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Details for Rachael Ray Nutrish Natural Food For Cats Tuna Purrfection