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Customer reviews for Frio Duo Insulin Cooling Case

Frio Duo Insulin Cooling Case
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  • Yes, I recommend
    Reviewed 9 years ago

    Keeps insulin cool and safe!

    We LOVE this product! Just soak it in water and it keeps our insulin safe for a minimum of 2 days. Then, we just have to re-soak it. It's perfect for when we go to Disneyland or travel. We use it every day, just around town. We also live in earthquake country. The best part is that it's a safety net for us in case the power goes out because of a shaker. It is so simple and easy to use - We DEFINITELY recommend this product!
    0 users found this review helpful.
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Details for Frio Duo Insulin Cooling Case

BenefitSelect a value
ColorSelect a value
ConcernDiabetic support
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Key ingredientSelect a value
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Product typeSelect a value
QuantitySingle pack
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