Customer reviews for CVS Health EasyFlex Total Power Anti-Bacterial Replacement Brush Heads, 5 CT

CVS Health EasyFlex Total Power Anti-Bacterial Replacement Brush Heads, 5 CT
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  • BobinWI1
    Reviewed 11 years ago

    Brushheads Break

    I purchased these brushheads because they were similar to the name brand product at a better price. However, after a short time the brushheads become loose and quit spinning when just a little pressure is applied. So, if you are brushing your teeth the powered toothbrush is still vibrating but the brushhead stops moving. I went through four brushheads in four months and all of them did the same thing. Stick with the name brand product because this product is clearly defective. Most of the brushhead mechanisms in the package start out stable but then quickly becomes loose, which this appears to be the problem.
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Details for CVS Health EasyFlex Total Power Anti-Bacterial Replacement Brush Heads, 5 CT