Hair Care
13.5 Ounces
3 Soft Black
4 Dark Brown
4R Dark Auburn
5A Medium Ash Brown
5G Medium Golden Brown
6 Light Brown
6R Light Auburn
6.5G Lightest Golden Brown
7 Dark Blonde
7LA Lightest Auburn
8 Medium Blonde
8G Golden Blonde
8.5A Champagne Blonde
9 Natural Blonde
9A Light Ash Blonde
9G Light Golden Blonde
9GR Light Golden Reddish Blonde
9.5A Lightest Ash Blonde
8S Soft Silver Blonde
6AM Light Amber Brown
4M Dark Mahogany Brown
4SM Dark Soft Mahogany Brown
5CB Medium Chestnut Brown
6C Cool Light Brown
3C Cool Darkest Brown
1.0 Ultimate Black
5CG Iced Golden Brown
V28 Midnight Violet
V38 Power Violet Intense Deep Violet
20.4 Ounces
13 Ounces
Color Oops Conditioning Bleach
Color Oops
I love this product. Does an excellent job and I do my own hair.
As I Am Leave-In Conditioner, 8 OZ
As I Am
I'm so pleased with this product, everything this product says it does.
AXE 3-in-1 Shampoo Conditioner & Body Wash, Total Fresh, 28 OZ
This product is great and I like the smell. I feel clean and refresh
AXE Natural Look Understated Hair Cream
It says that it will look natural and conditioned. I love the results
Dove Men+Care Fresh & Clean 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioner
Dove Men+Care
Great product that feels good and is often part of an extracare special