Hair Care
B3 Golden Brown
8.5A Champagne Blonde
9A Light Ash Blonde
9G Light Golden Blonde
9GR Light Golden Reddish Blonde
9.5A Lightest Ash Blonde
10NB Ultra Natural Blonde
8S Soft Silver Blonde
379 Golden Bronze
Ultra Ash Dark Blonde 7UA
Ultra Ash Medium Blonde 8UA
10 Golden Blonde
M72 Dusty Silver
9.56 Light Golden Blonde
8.0 Medium Blonde
7.56 Dark Golden Blonde
8.16 Medium Ash Blonde
Dark and Lovely Uplift Hair Bleach Kit, Bleach Blonde
Dark & Lovely
This lifted beautifully. I followed with loreals permanent power toner and came out with beautiful pale blonde hair!
Bleach London Total Bleach Kit
Bleach London
I was expecting to have to buy a toner too but after I used this product, I rinsed it out shampooed twice like the box said then used some...