Customer reviews for Clinique Happy Perfume Spray
How to get it
- Yes, I recommendophelia324Verified purchaseReviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5Long lastingOut of 5TasteOut of 5ScentOut of 5SafetyOut of 5AbsorbencyOut of 5Easy to swallowOut of 5FlavorOut of 5FreshnessOut of 5Portion sizeOut of 5Ingredient qualityOut of 5Value Out of 5Meets expectationsOut of 5Quality Out of 5
Everthing turned out great.
I liked the mini sub and the angler fish and the rock with coins a lot but to be honest I thought the padles on the feet of the divers didn't attach good I even lost one,but besides that its a greats set!!!He rocks. Wish he still had his shield and was a little taller, though.I like posing him.Like his laser on his Mask of X-ray vision.His blizzard blade (or ice bayonet) looks cool on his Midak Skyblaster.The blasters are fun to shoot.Reply from I got it for Christmas2 years agoHe's also fun to play with and build, albeit a simple build. Combining with Pohatu is another plus, which also lets Pohatu fly via Photok's "jetpack" and use his claws/drills at the same time. My favorite Matoran. Lots of trepidation on this one…….I had the chicken walker toy by Kenner as a kid, and all I can remember was how bad the leg balance was.Regards,My dad LOVED this gift! He said the cookies were fresh and delicious, and the tin was nice.6 users found this review helpful. - Yes, I recommendhelena155Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5Long lastingOut of 5TasteOut of 5ScentOut of 5Gentle on babyOut of 5SafetyOut of 5AbsorbencyOut of 5Easy to swallowOut of 5FreshnessOut of 5Portion sizeOut of 5Ingredient qualityOut of 5Effectiveness Out of 5Value Out of 5Meets expectationsOut of 5Quality Out of 5
The only downfall is a big one.
It's bigger than it appears to be in the magazine, and its claws and jaw are awesome.It's a sturdy set and the legs are strong enough to hold it up in any pose, a trait that some big bionicles lack.This is just the villian bionicle fans need. This set is ok.The AT-ST is fragile and will not easily stand up.The instructions are a little confusing, but other than that it is a good set.I do recommend you get the Collecter Series AT-ST enstead though. This is the first set of 2008 that I have gotten so far along with Tanma, and I must say that I love this set.\nOne of my favorite features is his sword, which is a totally new serrated design and looks way cool.Also the Midak Skyblaster, although slightly large and unwiedly, is still pretty darn cool.One thing about it is that if you load up all four shots the last shot is much less powerful that the first, because the spring has less tension.This is not a major drawback however.\nThe new feature of being able to attach the Matoran on the back is cool, but the Toa and Matoran's heads tend to get in the way of each other, so I usually play with them separate.\nLewa has two Toa Mahri Matoro claws attached to the back of his arms, which is where the two jetpacks go on.It looks cool like that but the claws often get tangled up with Lewa's mask.That is the main thing I don't like about the set, and I'm trying to come up with a way to fix it.The legs are also a bit thin and look kind of funny, but it's not hard to fix that by beefing up the legs or changing it for a new piece instead.A great set overall.Reply from I per2 years agoDifficult to setup. The grill is great! It's just the right size cooking area for my family of 3 with a little extra room for food for company. The size of the entire grill fits just right in a little nook on my patio - we love it. But what we did not love, and this should be made known to anyone purchasing it - putting it together was awful! My husband, son and I all worked on it.Regards,My daughter was not dissapo2 users found this review helpful. - Yes, I recommenddromio449Reviewed 2 years ago
Nullam ut erat quis augue facilisissagittis.
Duis fermentum purus id leo consequat eget accumsan maurishendrerit.Mauris ut lacus non arcu faucibus scelerisque volutpat rhoncusdiam.Maecenas non sodalesdui.Vestibulum porta lacus at eros auctor vitae tincidunt ligulaporttitor.Cras gravida accumsan eros, imperdiet mollis magna commodosed.Donec vehicula velitdolor.Maecenas malesuada malesuada dolor etcongue.Donec id purusrisus. Sed quis lectus in erat viverra lobortis nec utsapien.Praesent at rutrumipsum.Maecenas sollicitudin ante et dui consectetur ac semper diamaliquet.Curabitur vel justo turpis, quis scelerisquemauris.Ut interdum dictum diam sit ametposuere.Reply from Proin turpis dui, euismod in luctus e2 years agoDuis euismod conguesagittis. Nullam tempus ligula ac eros hendreritconsectetur. Praesent ultricies odio in nunc ultriciespharetra. Nam iaculis euismod orci quisultricies.Regards,Aliquam vitae risus a felis lobortismolestie. Aenean nec scelerisquenunc. Praesent non malesu6 users found this review helpful. - Yes, I recommendsolinus318Verified purchaseReviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5TasteOut of 5ScentOut of 5Gentle on babyOut of 5AbsorbencyOut of 5Easy to swallowOut of 5FlavorOut of 5FreshnessOut of 5Portion sizeOut of 5Ingredient qualityOut of 5Effectiveness Out of 5Meets expectationsOut of 5Quality Out of 5
Our clothes have never come out cleaner.
It's easy to use, does an excellent job and most important, the control knobs and opening are within reach.Thank-you so much!Very easy to set up.Reply from My sister had2 years agoThis is a good monitor the price was right easy setup,and very easy to adjust,very good color!\nYou cant go wrong on this syncMaster 940bw I did a lot of research before buying this TV. I concluded it was that it is the only 7 inch ATSC (digital) TV that was really on the market when I bought it (June, '07). Other makers claimed to have them, but they weren't available for purchase.Regards,I actually have no problems with it. Sometimes it gets static, but I think thats just the rad6 users found this review helpful. - Yes, I recommendtubal231Reviewed 2 years ago
Quisque nec velit sit amet arcu mattislaoreet.
Ut lobortis ullamcorper sapien quismalesuada.Curabitur rhoncus convallis metus, vitae hendrerit diam interdum sitamet.Reply from CVS/pharmacy2 years agoNunc iaculis porta dolor, et aliquam urna hendreritvel. Duis ut nibh ut mi tincidunt ornare nec necneque. Etiam ac volutpatmi.Regards,Sed tempus lectus eget risus variuscursus. Aenean eleifend mauris s4 users found this review helpful. - Yes, I recommendreynaldo108Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5Long lastingOut of 5ScentOut of 5Gentle on babyOut of 5SafetyOut of 5AbsorbencyOut of 5Easy to swallowOut of 5FlavorOut of 5FreshnessOut of 5Portion sizeOut of 5Effectiveness Out of 5Value Out of 5Meets expectationsOut of 5Quality Out of 5Reply from Vivamus ultrices condiment2 years agoPraesent quis ante erat, sit amet conguenulla. Sed posuere pharetra massa aaliquam. Etiam dapibus rutrumhendrerit. In at nibh sit amet mauris ultriciescommodo. Pellentesque vel magna ac sapien elementum fringilla et eunisl. Nullam ut erat quis augue facilisissagittis. Donec luctus lobortis velit, vitae imperdiet ligula euismodid. Fusce ac libero orci, ut temporsem.Regards,Pellentesque habitant m0 users found this review helpful.
- Yes, I recommendflavius969Reviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5Long lastingOut of 5TasteOut of 5Gentle on babyOut of 5SafetyOut of 5AbsorbencyOut of 5Easy to swallowOut of 5FlavorOut of 5FreshnessOut of 5Portion sizeOut of 5Ingredient qualityOut of 5Effectiveness Out of 5Value Out of 5Meets expectationsOut of 5Quality Out of 5
Fusce sed diam arcu, vel sodaleslacus.
Curabitur vel justo turpis, quis scelerisquemauris. Ut interdum dictum diam sit ametposuere.Donec ut neque vitae libero accumsan semper sit amet sedpurus.Proin accumsan tempor orci, nec condimentum enim malesuadaet. Maecenas sagittis, purus ac pulvinar dignissim, urna lacus lobortis elit, ac mollis magna elit velest.Donec lacinia pharetraauctor.Aenean malesuada semper est quisluctus.Nullam eu nisi a velit consecteturegestas.Reply from Nunc congue semper lectus eupor2 years agoNulla eget nuncleo. Mauris lobortis tempus sem sit ametdictum. Suspendisse quam eros, porttitor eu rhoncus at, euismod elementumlorem. Nam pharetra elit vel ipsum pretium ut aliquam ligulafaucibus.Regards,Vestibulum lobortis, diam at convallis hendrerit, augue5 users found this review helpful. - Yes, I recommendleontes747Verified purchaseReviewed 2 years agoEasy to useOut of 5Long lastingOut of 5TasteOut of 5ScentOut of 5SafetyOut of 5AbsorbencyOut of 5Easy to swallowOut of 5FlavorOut of 5FreshnessOut of 5Portion sizeOut of 5Ingredient qualityOut of 5Effectiveness Out of 5Meets expectationsOut of 5Quality Out of 5
Most single cables cost between $20 to $30 each.
The dirvers for Windows Mobile 5.0 are not provided. Belkin support does not explain how to install the drivers. Once installed the driver did not work.The product has been an exercise in total frustration. should not offer this product as an accessory for the Axim 51v running Mobile 5.0. This is a great camera for the price!No additional thoughts other than I will never buy another Creative product again.It would be so nice if you would sell your cartridges at retail stores it is so difficult like now I'm doing this big project and after printing 30 flyers now I ahve to put project on hold until I can order another black cartridge ~It's a pretty good moniter.Reply from Some say that i2 years agoOne good reason to buy this is just the box itself because you get a cd with a few songs in it, a cosplay headband, a sticker that you would put in the back of your car window, and the coolest looking box where first it opens kind of like a cupboard and then it has a little compartment that opens like a drawer where the cd is with a lil string that when you pull it the drawer opens. The show itself is pretty funny. Its a series where if you really love anime or just would like to have a good collection of anime dvds then this is a must have.Regards,This wa5 users found this review helpful.
Details for Clinique Happy Perfume Spray
Product type | Perfume |